Sunday, 26 January 2014

Rita Hayworth with your morning coffee on this Pin-up Sunday Morning!!!!

The ultimate Silver Screen Goddess of the 1940’s, Rita Hayworth is ushering you into this new and fantastic week!

Born in fact on my Grandfather’s birthday (possibly the same year…the debate continues), Rita Hayworth entered the world on October 17th 1918 in, Brooklyn, New York.

Born: Margarita Carmen Cansino to Eduardo Cansino her name was changed in the ‘40s for her acting and dancing career.

Her career spanned some 60 odd films but the most notable and recognised film she starred in was, Gilda.

Gilda was released in 1946 and told the story of a casino boss and his new right hand man (read: gunman), Jonny. When the boss returns from holiday with his new wife, Jonny instantly recognises her from his own past. Tension builds somewhat between the three of them and then her husband goes missing! I won’t spoil it for you anymore but it is well worth a watch!

Not much longer after this, Rita’s career took a serious downfall and in the 1960’s died its death.

It is rumoured that Rita Hayworth who, married 5 times in her life (and not very happily), suffered the effects of early onset Alzheimer’s but wasn’t officially diagnosed until the 80’s. Not long after this, she died at the age of 68 on May 14th 1987.

Nicknamed the Love Goddess, “There never was a woman like, Rita”



Gilda was a Diva but even Rita said “No one can be Gilda 24 hours a day!”

Remember to be real, Guys and Dolls and love whole heartedly.

As always, Much Love


Ginger x


Saturday, 25 January 2014

Soz Guys and Dolls or, Normal service will be resumed shortly.

Hello Guys and Dolls!!!


Well, I disappeared for just over a week without a word. For that I apologise. But what a week!

I was training with my new job and it is fantastic to know the following:

1.       Wherever you are, it is possible to make some cracking friends!

2.       Your capacity for learning is not limited to age or experiences!

3.       Hotel food rocks but a meal at home with your family will cure all that ails you.

4.       You don’t need wifi to survive (you just need it to be able to blog)

5.       Big corporate companies are not all out to brand you with the same iron!

6.       I am going to love my new job and will be actively encouraged to learn and grow within the company.

7.       Ginger and work will NEVER mix, but that is also O.K.

8.       A hug from Mini Wilde is awesome and will reduce me to happy tears after such a long time away.

9.       I am a girly swat!!!

10.   I am a stylish girly swat!

I did indeed make some fabulous friends and we will be following each other’s careers with great interest as well as encouraging each other!

It will be back to normal blogging next week, including camera rolls. I know I am training again next week but I have set some all in place. Waiting for you all! Please follow me carefully as I have written them with a few of you in mind!


As always, Much Love


Ginger x

Thursday, 16 January 2014

The Food Seduction or, Why you don't eat spaghetti on a first date!

When I have previously written up the Food Seduction, it has been recipes for meals! However, since last Friday I have been bombarded with Valentines Day Marketing! Blllleeeeeuuuurrrggghhhh!

Let's be clear I am not anti love or romance. But nothing about Valentine's Day is romantic. A day set by card companies to make money. Cynical? Not at all. I love romance and I love to be seduced or to seduce but I avoid Valentine's Day like a Demon or Vampire would avoid Halloween (Geek Alert! Cool Buffy segue).

Let's also be clear on what I mean by the food seduction posts. If you want to add a partner in your kitchen shenanigans that is fine, be aware that this will probably result in murder if both of you are fairly decent in different areas of cooking.

I don't cook, much like I don't wear make up just to seduce another person. I do these things because it makes ME feel good. On the days this doesn't make me feel good, guess what? I DON'T DO IT!!!

Oh and by the way


These are the reasons why:

1. What are you doing eating spaghetti off of my plate? GET YOUR OWN!

2. Spaghetti on a first date will only end up with a "Joker" smile from the sauce and bits of Oregano in your teeth.

3. You will not look sexy slurping that long bit that fell off your fork. You will look like a duck!

Sorry for the rant but Valentine's Day...Not cool!

All my love,

Ginger xxxx

P.S Look out for this evening's blog! With Anti Valentine's day recipes!

Pin-Up Beauty on a Shoe String Budget Or, ZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

So, today I told you guys on facebook that I wouldn't be sending out any bloggage. What an epic fib! As it happens, poor Ginger can't really seem to go one day without writing something!

So here we are...Thursday's are all about budget beauty tips.

My biggest and most important tips to you are these:

1. Sleep- It is so important to sleep. The human body uses this down time to repair itself. From; damaged skin cells, muscle repairs (post 10 minute work out), digestion to our wonderful minds. How many people do you know who can physically cope at optimum levels over a sustained period of no sleep or, little sleep? Shall we ask a few new mothers?
Don't go to bed religiously at 9pm every night! You know what works best for you but please do take this important time seriously.
If you are having trouble sleeping, lavender oil dropped on the underside of your pillow works a treat. BE WARNED: Lavender oil only works if you are single as it has been reported (I can't remember where I read this) that the smell of lavender increases blood flow to the penis. You ain't getting no sleep if you are married and try this trick!!!

2. Don't forget to remove your make-up at bed time. It ages you and causes breakouts. Trust me, breakouts at age 30 are not nice! Please note that, costly cosmetic removers are not always necessary! I use boots cold cream for make up removal! It's old school but it really works and if you keep your cold cream in the fridge it is also very de-puffing. You can even make it as simple as luke-warm water and a flannel. Gently wipe away the days grime and tone with cupped hands of fresh water from the tap.

3. Drink plenty of water. It isn't really much use to you if you only cleanse on the outside. Plenty of water throughout the day is anti-ageing, and actually flushes out the water you retain usually. Try it. There is nothing better that you can do for yourself than sleep and hydrate yourself.

I hope these oft' overlooked points are of some real help to you and you see some real difference in a matter of weeks!

As Always...

Much Love,

Ginger xxxxx


Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Pin-Up Fitness or, The Commitment Challenge!

Say what, now? Commitment? Ginger you're having a laugh, surely? You are the world's biggest commitment phobe!

Well yes, yes I am. But sometimes, things have to change (including me using the words "but" and "and" to start sentences-Naughty).

It's not a huge challenge really. I am not asking you to commit yourself to the healing and fitness powers of, Yoga or Pilates (pee-lar-tes) and I am really not asking you to commit to marathon training. Why would I ask you to do what I won't?

10 minutes.

10 minutes of your time.

Not to indulge in baths or chocolates or wine, we all seem to have time for that. 10 minutes to make you feel better in a different way (honestly you lot, I know what you are thinking). 10 minutes of dancing, stretching, running on the spot, ab attack! Whatever! Just 10 minutes a day. if you want to do more after that, well bully for you! If you don't? You just did something to look after yourself. Something that will make you healthier.*

After 5 minutes, remember to switch arms ;)

I think I can commit to this small thing everyday if it makes me a healthier version of me.

As always,

Much Love,

Ginger x

*This includes large amounts of "race-"y fun if you happen to have a partner. For example you can run around the house in the style of Benny Hill or a Carry On film!

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Ginger's New Job or, Aaaaargggh!

Aaaaaaarrrrrrrrgh! Haha!

I'd like to think I am in a bit more control of myself than just screaming wildly at folk! I'd like to think that.

Tomorrow is the start of Ginger's new job. Office based, commission based, bonuses. Fine and dandy. So why I am I so nervous? What am I going to do to get over my nerves?

Reasons to be nervous.

1. I have done this job before and know how stressful it can be.
2. I left the last place because, I didn't want to be part of an toxic environment and can't guarantee that this won't be again.
3. Would you believe I am shy? Ridiculous isn't it?!
4. Sometimes it is the possibility of succeeding that you fear the most.
5. Think that's enough reasons.


1. Remember you have done this job before and you are good at it. Very good. Keep telling yourself and be open to learning.
2. You left the last place because it was toxic. Give people a chance but don't be a push over. Say when things are upsetting you.
3. You are not shy, you are just uncomfortable because it's new. This will last all of a week until you have finished meeting everyone.
4. Success is not something to fear, for that matter neither is failure. Get over yourself you pretentious £%$^&%&!!!!
5. Yes that was enough reasons. Sometimes, it is fine to be nervous. It keeps you sharp. It got you this job!

Thanks Everyone xxx


Rest Your Pins or, A Lesson in Planning

Relax! There is no lesson. I am not going to preach to you about the virtues of being super duper organised! Yak! Obviously being organised in the key areas of your life is important. Paying bills, rent, meeting friends etc. But you don't have to list everything!

Tip: If you still feel like listing things great-call it a Ta Da! List. So nothing feels like a chore and everything feels like the worlds biggest accomplishment, even if you wrote "Have a Pee -before I get to busting stage".

O.K there is one small lesson. Tiny. Teeny Weeny.

The world will not end if you don't do everything on the list. It really will not be the end of all civilization if all your plans fall at your feet. Pick 'em up and rearrange them. There is usually a reason things happen and you won't realize until you stop panicking, what that reason is or was.

For instance my photographer and I were supposed to meet up for a test run today. This didn't work out so we have decided to rearrange. This gives us more scope for creativity when we do meet for the test run. More time to figure out what we both need to bring with us. Rather it be later in the day with more time than rushed and forgetful.

Either way I got to take some more selfies.... Enjoy!

Much Love,

Ginger x

P.S the lipstick is By Terry in Peony...beautiful colour.

Monday, 13 January 2014

Ginger Pin Up Mondays-Tim Minchin

Todays Ginger to start your week is no pin up. Although, in my opinion is definitely worth telling you all about.

His speech to his university on the day he picked up an academic award is key to motivating you on what I think is going to be another typically grey January week.

This speech was definitely not forgotten (by me anyway). Since I heard it last year I have been passing it on to everyone I know. The meaning is clear, there is no meaning. For a commitment phobe like myself, this is very reassuring.

As yesterday was International Kiss A Ginger Day (yes that's right-not one god damned kiss :( ) it is important I think that I add this next link...

Yes Guys and Dolls, today we focus on the fabulous Tim Minchin. If you have never heard of him before there is a link to his own website at the bottom of this blog.

A very humble, genius. Happy to carry on creating for ever more eager audiences. Tim is my male icon. A famous role model worth looking up to. One that I have even let my daughter, Mini Wilde watch.

Have a very Happy Monday and Start to week 3 of 2014.

As always

Much Love,

Ginger xxx

Sunday, 12 January 2014

Camera Roll, More Selfies.

Ginger's Weekly Round Up!

Hello Guys and Dolls!

This week has been great. Nothing major to deal with, plenty of family and friends, lots of blogging, not enough of my own pictures, ALOT of ideas!

Monday saw me taking my Junior Miss Wilde back to school and missing her horribly during the day. I even managed to hand wash all my stockings, and clear some rubbish.

Tuesday I met with my photographer and we got to have some get to know you chat and business chat and managed to come up with an exciting project within a project haha! I do like me some plans, I just need to follow all my plans through.

Wednesday had me babysitting! The most gorgeous, handsome boy around! In fact, I am sure I said and did other things on Wednesday but he is sooooo gorgeous I have forgotten.

Thursday and Friday were fairly mild but I think you'll find the bloggage for Thursday was pretty cool and I hope to throw one of my parties at the end of the month as a big thank you to all my friends, who just need to know how much I appreciate them!

Saturday was nice and relaxed and Junior Wilde and I played an awful lot of scrabble... I played the word Quip on a triple letter score and double word score! 50 points for a 4 letter word...I thank you!

Today I am clearing out the crap that has been holding me down emotionally and physically (literally physically for a full year I have had no room to exercise because I appear to be an emotional hoarder).

Next Week is a BIG one for me HUGE! I start my new job next week and am simultaneously nervous and so excited I could burst! There may even be some test photos next week!

Until then

Much Love,

Ginger xxxx

Saturday, 11 January 2014

Pin Up Beauty on A Shoe String, The Manicure!

The Humble Manicure
This beauty staple can be so expensive. However, it is easily replicated at home and is the perfect activity whilst you are watching the T.V (please note; it is not an activity that is well suited to blogging.  I can't see my "G" button. But that's O.K no one else can find it either).
The key to all beauty treatments is: PREPARATION! This is paramount, you don't want to soak your cuticles for 15 minutes and discover you don't have any orange sticks to push them back.
You will need:
A bowl big enough to soak your finger tips
A hand towel
Nail Polish Remover
An emery board
An orange stick
Olive Oil
Lemon Juice
Base coat
Your nail colour of choice.
A top coat.
1. Make sure all your old nail polish has been taken off and you have washed your hands and nails thoroughly.

2. Fill your bowl with luke-warm water and some lemon juice. The lemon juice acts as a whitener and stain remover. Tip: if you have any small cuts, just put a little fairy liquid in. If you don't know if you have any small cuts, you are about to find out.
Soak your nails including cuticles for 5-10 minutes.

3. Get your orange stick which looks like this

and gently use the rounded end to push back your cuticles so, they are a uniform shape and size. Be careful not to push too hard. You actually need your cuticles!

4. Dry your hands thoroughly and grab your emery board. Shape your nails moving from the centre of your nail to the edge or the edge to the centre (Pick one). Tip: Do not use see-saw motions like you see secretaries in movies doing. You will split your natural nail in the unholiest of ways! Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow but soon and the re-growing nail will be a bitch.

5. Make a cup of tea.

6. With your weakest hand, apply the base coat to your strongest hand. Using your weakest hand first means you will concentrate harder. You will actually do a better job this way.

Wait for it to dry....(sigh)
Apply base coat to the other hand and wait for that to dry.......siiigh.

7. Dry? No? Wait some more.

8.Apply your colour of choice in the same fashion as the base coat. Using your weakest hand first. Don't worry about mistakes, we can rectify those later.

Wait for that to dry.....siiiiiigh

Apply colour to the hand and wait for THAT to dry. SIIIIIIIIIIGH

9. Find your inhaler, you seem to be sighing a lot.

10. When it is dry, seal the deal with some top coat applied in the same patient manner as before.


Do you have a few blobby mistakes? So long as your manicure is now completely dry, go and wash the dishes. The blobby mistakes will come off the surrounding skin.

11. Finish with a bit of moisturiser specifically for your hands and massage a little olive oil into your cuticles!

Until next time

Much Love,

Ginger xxx


Making Whoopie or, The Food Seduction

This week saw me and my daughter attempt to make Whoopie Pies and failing miserably. This is no small part due to the fact that you shouldn't attempt to make the cake batter from, Betty Crocker Devil's Food Cake Mix. It is too sloppy. Although the end result was still yummy, you did have to get over the fact it looked like two cow pats glued together with Strawberry flavoured icing!

As a result there were no pictures, unappetizing is an understatement.

So, for a really great Whoopie Pie Recipe click on the link below:

We tried this after our previous failure and they came out a beautiful treat. Consequently, there were no pictures of these either. We ate them all too fast!!

The Whoopie Pie originated in Amish communities around Maine. They were originally called "Cream Turtles". Amish women used to make them from their left over cake batter*and put them in their husbands lunch pails (boxes). When they opened their lunches, they used to shout. "Whooooopie!"

Either way, they are a nice alternative to cupcakes and can be decorated in a number of ways! Get creative, then get your special Guy or Doll and make Whoopie ;)

*Left over cake batter is a myth. As everyone knows, cake batter should be licked seductively from the back of a wooden spoon or plastic spatula and leave artistically placed chocolate on your nose and cheeks!

Thursday, 9 January 2014

Teetotally Wilde

As promised, this evening's blog (part deux) is a rather refreshing, alcohol free cocktail of recipes (see what I did?).

Some of you will know already that, I don't drink alcohol. This is not through a lack of desire for the odd drink but actually because I am mildly allergic to alcohol. Or, something alcohol contains anyway.

When I go to the pub with my friends, I drink Coke. I don't like lemonade and if I order tonic water and lime, people stare at me like a recovering alcoholic or ask me when I am due.

What is a girl to do if she wants to be grown up? Stand your ground, stare the bar staff in the eye and ask for something immensely weird and wait for them to work out what it should cost at the bar.

Cocktail 1: No name

Pint glass filled to the top with ice. Lime cordial (enough to make it quite strong). Fill nearly to the top with lemonade and then finish with a dash of coke. Do not mix! It looks pretty, wait until it has been served. This tastes not unlike how I remember long island ice teas to taste. If a bit sweeter, perhaps.

Cocktail 2: No Name

Champagne glass, filled with crushed ice. Pour the liquor from a jar of maraschino cherries over the ice slowly then, top up with elderflower presse.

Cocktail 3: No Name

White wine glass, no ice. Filled 2 parts peach flavoured iced tea to 1 part elderflower presse.

All of these are rather yummy alternatives to alcohol and really, you can be as creative as you want. A nice cocktail is one where you can taste the separate ingredients whilst enjoying them as a whole flavour.

Please help me name my cocktails, they can't be nameless slobs forever!

A bientot

Ginger xxx

A Very Wilde Party

It's Thursday, and that is very nearly the weekend! How are you all surviving the first week back at work?
What does the weekend bring with it? Long lie ins (if you don't have children). Breakfast in bed (which can be a very messy affair if you do have children) and the occasional drink at the local with your mates. Perfect!

But what if you want to do something more fun? Just once in a while? Throw a party, a very low budget but high entertainment, party!

This is Ginger's Guide to a Very Wilde Party.

In my humble opinion, a party should be thrown when there is no other occasion than you want to see your friends.

The best parties have; good music (karaoke is a dying and under appreciated art and should be resurrected), good food (that you didn't have to cook all by yourself), someone who is good with a camera and plenty of laughter. For laughter, please don't forget to bring your children along. Children can kill you with laughter and will love dress up themes.

On to themes...

These will cost you very little to £0.00! Ginger likes the inexpensive.

Do you and your friends have a favourite T.V Show? Think of the character from your show that you most resemble and write your invitations to those of your friends that resemble other characters. Ask them, to dress up and bring food that the character has expressed interest in and let the good times commence...

For Example: My friends and I LOVE the show, "The Big Bang Theory". So much so, that we have already cast each other as characters. I know, sad right? Wrong! Embrace your nerdiness when it comes to party themes! Your friends already know how weird you are. Accept it and HAVE FUN!

So, for a TV Show party, you will need:

To write the perfect invitation and send it via e-mail. 
Ask everyone to bring a dish                                       
Ask everyone to dress as the character you have invited them as, look on the internet for instructions on creating these costumes from what you already have at home.
Create a playlist on a free music site such as, Spotify using music that has either been referenced in the show or would be appreciated by the characters.
Create a quiz with your show theme and see how well your friends really know the characters and themselves.

Well of course I am going to suggest a Pin-Up Party. This is either going to be a grown up only girl's night in or, a Rockabilly Fest that includes your children and Sunday Lunch served in the style of American Diner food! Your call.

For the girl's night in, invite your girly buddies via e-mail again as it is free. But don't forget to attach a picture of the pin up portrait that suits each doll the best.
Food is simple and low budget. Diet soda pops and popcorn (microwave is fine).
Pick up some books from the library on how to do retro hair and make up styles.
Rent some films from the library, most good libraries will have Marylin Monroe movies or Audrey Hepburn.
Remember that the dress code for Pin-Up can be as simple as jeans and a white t-shirt. Perfect!

Rockabilly Fest! Family Fun.

Sunday Lunch, burgers, fries, Elvis! Kids running around in jeans and t- shirts. Girls with their hair in pony tails and quiffs, boys just with quiffs. Mums and Dads and friends, chatting over the excited din! Beautiful music of the 40's and 50's swinging away in the background!
Ice Cream floats for dessert!

Bring on the fun I say!

So, do it! Invite your friends round for a party today, and have those brilliant memories for a life time. Because, life is too short not to make as much of it as you can!

Well, until this evening, where I will give you some lovely cocktail recipes that are yet to be named.

Much Love,

Ginger x

Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Ginger's Healthy Tips:

Ironically as I write today's blog about staying healthy, I feel rather poorly indeed.
Due in no small part to the terrible nightmare I had in which I could not breathe. I woke from this dream unable to breathe and woke up again doing the same.

The lesson here is not to fall asleep watching Poltergeist.
Seminal film though it is, it will give you bad dreams.

So, enough about that!

How did pin-ups of the 1920's to the 1950's stay healthy and fit?

I hate to say it but, their toned arms were largely down to the incredibly heavy hoovers of the time, their beautiful legs were down to running up and down the stairs with piles of washing and cleaning and their general fitness due to the dance halls that were around at the time.

They didn't drink as much and because of rationing it was often times hard to eat too much. What am I saying then?  If I want to be as fit as a pin-up of the 1950s, I need to become a housewife? No, not at all! But if I do want to be this fit, I need to move more and eat proper meals again. Simple.

To start with I will appreciate what it is to go for a nice walk. A long walk with friends and family. An enjoyable form of exercise? Well, there are other forms of exercise which are better ;). I am too much of a lady to discuss that here. Hehehehe

Much Love,

Ginger xxx

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Rest Your Pins!

Hello Again!

I am rather enjoying this blogger lark! I get to tell you all about my exciting life and if it gets a bit boring, I just have the motivation to do something more exciting!

Tuesday's fixtures I have entitled, Rest Your Pins. This is because, I don't want to teach you anything. I just want to share with you an adventure. What was today's adventure? Meeting with my photographer. Well! What a funny and awesome business meeting this turned out to be! Ideas were overflowing and what is great is, that some of these ideas were very similar. A sign perhaps that this is the right photographer for me!

During this meeting, I was asked a very simple question. What is your motivation for wanting to do pin-up. The simple answer is, I love it. But it has forced me to ask myself why I love it.
Through the conversation we each pinned down the start of a mutual love of the genre to one film...Who Framed Roger Rabbit. Jessica Rabbit and for that matter the black and white Betty Boop were my first "girl crushes". The epitome of feminine wiles and humour. "I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way".

From the films to the pictures of Gil Elvgren which, I only started "seeing" properly in my late 20's. For this we can thank the Book of Face! The art on the noses of bombers, pin-up playing cards, Burlesque. All Tease and No Sleaze! Cheeky women who are "accidentally" showing the tops of their stockings whilst they water their front gardens. Innocent but devilishly naughty and decadent. These were expressions of women who were tired of being covered up in their woollen house coats.

So, what is my motivation? After having pinned down why I love the subject so much I realised that pin-up isn't just pictures. It's a lifestyle. Moreover it is a lifestyle I want to lead. This is me world! Nice ain't it? Well, Tata! Control over your own life, your decisions and how the world perceives you. You don't have to model, ( that bit is just for fun really) but how you see yourself, flaws and all is an important part of your individual success as a human being. Mistakes? Yeah, we make them but move on, don't let anyone (including yourself) bring you down. Best foot forward at all times! Style and grace in the face of adversity.

I promised on my Facebook Page that I would reveal to you the name of my photographer but, just wait until the first shoot. We are working on this. All good things come to those who wait...

For now, Much Love...;)

Ginger Wilde x

Monday, 6 January 2014

Ginger Pin Up Mondays!

As a regular feature, every Monday I shall be sharing with you a famous Ginger.

Who better to start with than… GINGER ROGERS!

Not named, Ginger for her fiery hair or temperament. In fact; not named Ginger at all! Virginia McNath (as she was really born), was allegedly nicknamed Ginga when her small cousin couldn’t pronounce her full name. “Ginga” stuck and she later took the last name of her Grandfather; “Rogers”, as growing up she became very close to her Grandpa and even bought him a house so, he could be closer to her when she was filming!

Ginger, built her career from Vaudeville, to the more serious stage and then, on to film where she appeared in scores of films that your modern actress can only dream to achieve.



Queen High (1930)
Office Blues (1930)
The Tip-Off (1931)
42nd Street (1933)
Broadway Bad (1933)
Upperworld (1934)
Roberta (1935)
Top Hat (1935)
In Person (1935)
Swing Time (1936)
Stage Door (1937)
Carefree (1938)
5th Ave Girl (1939)
Kitty Foyle (1940)
Roxie Hart (1942)
Heartbeat (1946)
Dreamboat (1952)
Black Widow (1954)
Tight Spot (1955)
Harlow (1965)

And of course, everyone needs a Fred to their Ginger. Unfortunately, if you find a Fred, you are probably not going to get very far with him. However, he will be a lot of fun to dance with!
The beautiful Ginger Rogers was and is an icon of; strength, endurance, beauty, durability, grace and humour. The girl could dance and act too!

I hope she brightens up your day and inspires you, just as she will be inspiring me this week.

All My Love,

Ginger Wilde x

Update: The information and chronological Filmography were filched from Wikipedia. Author unknown. However, so much more than this exists in book form and on other websites. Watch a few of the movies on the list and fall in love with this wonderful woman.