It's Thursday, and that is very nearly the weekend! How are you all surviving the first week back at work?
What does the weekend bring with it? Long lie ins (if you don't have children). Breakfast in bed (which can be a very messy affair if you do have children) and the occasional drink at the local with your mates. Perfect!
But what if you want to do something more fun? Just once in a while? Throw a party, a very low budget but high entertainment, party!
This is Ginger's Guide to a Very Wilde Party.
In my humble opinion, a party should be thrown when there is no other occasion than you want to see your friends.
The best parties have; good music (karaoke is a dying and under appreciated art and should be resurrected), good food (that you didn't have to cook all by yourself), someone who is good with a camera and plenty of laughter. For laughter, please don't forget to bring your children along. Children can kill you with laughter and will love dress up themes.
On to themes...
These will cost you very little to £0.00! Ginger likes the inexpensive.
Do you and your friends have a favourite T.V Show? Think of the character from your show that you most resemble and write your invitations to those of your friends that resemble other characters. Ask them, to dress up and bring food that the character has expressed interest in and let the good times commence...
For Example: My friends and I LOVE the show, "The Big Bang Theory". So much so, that we have already cast each other as characters. I know, sad right? Wrong! Embrace your nerdiness when it comes to party themes! Your friends already know how weird you are. Accept it and HAVE FUN!
So, for a TV Show party, you will need:
To write the perfect invitation and send it via e-mail.
Ask everyone to bring a dish
Ask everyone to dress as the character you have invited them as, look on the internet for instructions on creating these costumes from what you already have at home.
Create a playlist on a free music site such as, Spotify using music that has either been referenced in the show or would be appreciated by the characters.
Create a quiz with your show theme and see how well your friends really know the characters and themselves.
Well of course I am going to suggest a Pin-Up Party. This is either going to be a grown up only girl's night in or, a Rockabilly Fest that includes your children and Sunday Lunch served in the style of American Diner food! Your call.
For the girl's night in, invite your girly buddies via e-mail again as it is free. But don't forget to attach a picture of the pin up portrait that suits each doll the best.
Food is simple and low budget. Diet soda pops and popcorn (microwave is fine).
Pick up some books from the library on how to do retro hair and make up styles.
Rent some films from the library, most good libraries will have Marylin Monroe movies or Audrey Hepburn.
Remember that the dress code for Pin-Up can be as simple as jeans and a white t-shirt. Perfect!
Rockabilly Fest! Family Fun.
Sunday Lunch, burgers, fries, Elvis! Kids running around in jeans and t- shirts. Girls with their hair in pony tails and quiffs, boys just with quiffs. Mums and Dads and friends, chatting over the excited din! Beautiful music of the 40's and 50's swinging away in the background!
Ice Cream floats for dessert!
Bring on the fun I say!
So, do it! Invite your friends round for a party today, and have those brilliant memories for a life time. Because, life is too short not to make as much of it as you can!
Well, until this evening, where I will give you some lovely cocktail recipes that are yet to be named.
Much Love,
Ginger x