Thursday, 2 January 2014

Pin-Up Beauty on a shoe String

Every week I intend to give you some pin up beauty on a shoe string budget. Pay attention cos there ain't no science bits (there may be some science) but you are most definitely worth it!

So what is Ginger's first Beauty Tip?

It is the humble, home made facial *.
I asked a good friend of mine what would be a good home made facial for my skin type? Her answer:


Well as we have an allotment, the glut of last years strawberry crop is still in the freezer. The recipe is very simple. Get 2 or 3 Strawberries and (defrost if frozen). Mush them up with a fork and as my friend puts it "Slap 'em on your grid". A cooling and soothing face mask if left for 15 - 20 minutes.

So, why are strawberries so good for your skin? Strawberries are the most perfect ingredient for acne prone skin as they are a natural source of salicylic acid. This is the stuff they put in the over the counter acne face wash etc. Well I just saved you at least a fiver there. You are welcome.

Well, I hope this was of some help to you and if you have recipes for other types of face mask please do put it in the comments below. Share, Share, That's FAIR!


Ginger Wilde.

*Please be careful putting the word "Facial" in your google search bar. The internet is for....

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